ArtanArmored  is a Premium Armored Vehicle Manufacturing company headquartered in Dubai, UAE. We are the leading suppliers of Armored Vehicles and Bullet Proof Vehicles in Chad. We cater to the clients as individual, bulk and corporate approach to the needs and requirements of each client.

As one of the world’s poorest and most corrupt nations, Chad also deals with terrorist attacks and security instability from its neighbours. The recent discovery of oil and gas has the potential to boost the economy of the nation, but many of these projects have been stymied by the instability and poor infrastructure that are prevalent there. The proper application of armoured vehicles in the relevant fields is thought to increase national security. Artan supplies premium Armoredvechicles in Chad which helps to ensure our client safety and security. The armoring vehicles are meticulously inspected by our highly skilled engineers and experts, who ensure that they meet the same high standards as when the vehicles left the factory. We produce and market a large selection of armoured and bulletproof vehicles that are of the highest quality and performance and are in high demand.